Moon Rocks Were A Common Gift From The US Government, But Now Many Of Them Are Missing
Michael Levanduski
Heads of state commonly give gifts to other countries as gestures of good will. These gifts normally represent something important to the country giving them. With that in mind, it is not surprising ...[Continue Reading]
8 days ago
Recent News (Science)
Mentally Clocking Out: The Go-To Reset When Your Mind Is Still Working
Bryan Robinson, Ph.D., Contributor, Bryan Robinson, Ph.D., Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/bryanrobinson/
The go-to reset when you've called it quits, but your mind hasn't clocked out. getty Inspired by Apple TV+s Severance--where employees undergo a medical procedure to erase memories of their job out ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago
Earliest days of Earth's formation
New research led by a York University professor sheds light on the earliest days of the earth's formation and potentially calls into question some earlier assumptions in planetary science about the e ...[Continue Reading]

Science Daily
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Why Lawyers Are Standing Up To Big Law
Maria Gracia Santillana Linares, Forbes Staff, Maria Gracia Santillana Linares, Forbes Staff https://www.forbes.com/sites/mariagraciasantillanalinares/
This is a published version of Forbes Careers Newsletter. Click here to subscribe and get it in your inbox every Tuesday. President Donald Trump has ramped up his attacks on big law firms, signing ...[Continue Reading]

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Are AI Product Managers The Role Of The Future?
Forrester, Contributor, Forrester, Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/forrester/
Are AI Product Managers The Role Of The Future? Forrester In the early days of the internet, job opportunities for internet product managers began to appear as companies recognized their need for t ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago
Do Dogs Enjoy Movies?
CaLea Johnson
Flow was one of the greatest cinematic success stories of 2024. The movie, which follows a black cat and its animal companions trying to survive a flood in a post-apocalyptic world, won the Oscar for ...[Continue Reading]

Mental Floss
1 day ago