The first time I didnt feel shame for being Palestinian was in Ireland
Prof Afif El-Khuffash
I was born to a Palestinian father and Kuwaiti mother, and because of Kuwaits citizenship laws, where nationalities pass through the father, I was not a Kuwaiti citizen. Because my father was Palesti ...[Continue Reading]
The Irish Times
1 day ago
Recent News (Science)
Republicans Have No Idea How They'll Pass Their Agenda | Opinion
David Faris
Regardless of whether Republicans can convince enough Senate Democrats to capitulate to a clean continuing budget resolution, the GOP's longer-term agenda is in serious trouble in Congress. The econo ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago
James Webb Space Telescope investigates the origins of 'failed stars' in the Flame Nebula
Robert Lea
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has probed deep into the dusty shroud of a young nebula alight with star formation on the hunt for "failed star" brown dwarfs. Brown dwarfs are stellar objects ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago
Outside Letter Writers Gender Affects Faculty Promotion Odds, Finds Study
Michael T. Nietzel, Senior Contributor, Michael T. Nietzel, Senior Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaeltnietzel/
A new study finds that whether outside review letters were written by women or men was associated ... [+] with differences in college faculty promotion and tenure decisions. getty Whether a man or ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago
Quantum Milestones, 1995: Correcting Quantum Computer Errors
David Lindley
This arrangement of gold electrodes on a chip can hold up to twelve magnesium ions 40 m above the surface while laser light cools them, enabling the ions to functions as qubits. Error-correction tec ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago
6 easy ways to set your day up for peak productivity and avoid the morning crash
Tracy Swartz
Heres a crash course on the best and worst ways to start mornings. Most people check their phones shortly after waking up. While scrolling social media can provide a rush of feel-good dopamine, the ...[Continue Reading]

New York Post
1 day ago